Running fast through life, inviting him to run along side... it just doesn't produce the results my heart is truly longing for. When I schedule time into my everyday life to be quiet with Him, beholding Him, I come face to face with His goodness, His kindness, His holiness.
And my heart cries out, like Isaiah long ago, I am unclean!
Funny how something looks white until you hold it up to something that's brilliantly white, and suddenly what we thought clean and bright shows itself to be dull and yellowed.
We can all seem holy or righteous when we use other imperfect people as our measure, but the measure we use must always be... HIM.
And this awareness of who He is, and calls me to be, only comes through looking long at Him.
The good news is, it doesn't end with us just looking and longing. For us who are living on this side of the cross, our longing to be like Him doesn't have to remain an unfulfilled hope...
So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace.
2 Corinthians 4:15 MSG
Here's the truth in the simplest form I know... within me lies the seeds of the very nature of God. A whole, new created being that awoke to Him the day I cried out in my sin and shame for His salvation.
And now, those seeds of life have taken root. They've begun to sprout here and there. As the roots grow larger and deeper, the old, dead nature in me continues to be routed out.
Like any seed, it must be watered... time in the Word, time with Jesus. "Let all of you who are thirsty, come to Me and drink..."
To grow, a seed needs the Sun. Alot of time in the presence of the Son....
No shortcuts to greatness here. No quicker routs to Holiness. Just the simple formula of lots of time in His word, in the presence of His light. And before we know it, the reflection we behold now dimly, shall eventually shine like the Son.
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